Dear friends and partners,
It has brought to my attention that there are a few cases of email/business fraudulent incidents that occurred over the past few years, and we believe it is imperative that we are careful on all business communication and bank transactions. In order to fight against the overwhelming hackers around the globe, below I listed few points to watch out for:
1. Bank transactions – any balance transferring to our account, please make sure the account name and receiving bank. We have only banks in Taiwan (R.O.C.). Banks from any other country are considered wrong.
2. Currently we only accept payment through Bank wire, Taiwanese credit card company and Paypal. Any other means of fund collecting methods are fraudulent.
3. Attachments from emails will always be PDF and JPG format. Any other documents may contain Trojan horse virus so please disregard them.
4. Any contact made regarding account balance should contain proper account balance sheet with detailed order history and order item lists.
5. For credit card information transmittance, it is best to return the information sheet with fax. Therefore, no sensitive information may travel through email.
6. Always use up to date anti-virus software to protect against any virus or trojan horse hack.
If you receive any suspected communication from us or concerns us, please do not hesitate to contact us for clarifications. Once confirmed being a victim of fraudulent act, please contact the local authority immediately and contact us so we can have police reports filed on both sides.
We are all tasked to prevent crimes made against family and friends, be weary on any suspicious communications so we can continue our journey to grow together.
Yours Sincerely,
Micky Lu
General Manager
Mike & Tony Trading Co., Ltd.
META precision industry Co., Ltd.
The Arch Hobby and Craft Co., Ltd